
The Special Needs Directory of Dentists identifies dental offices and clinics who have reported that they are comfortable providing care to patients with special health care needs in South Carolina.

This web based directory provides a current listing of dentists who have reported that they will treat patients with mild and/or moderate-severe manifestations of a number of different developmental and acquired special needs. Listings are identified by counties served, dental specialty as appropriate, languages spoken, sedation techniques available as well as whether or not the practice accepts Medicaid. This directory is intended to be used by families, caregivers, case workers or anyone concerned with locating dental care for a patient with special health care needs in South Carolina.

This Special Needs Directory of Dentists is a product of a grant funded program named Project SANDs. Project SANDs (Special Adult Network of Dentists) is a program created through a joint effort between the James B Edwards College of Dental Medicine and the Duke Endowment. The goal is to increase access to dental care for all patients with special needs in South Carolina. Project SANDs identifies oral health care providers for patients with special health care needs. We provide concierge care in locating a provider and follow up with patient navigator services through our partnership with Family Connection. Patients may receive dental services here at the Special Needs Clinic of Medical University of South Carolina or in private offices or clinics which may be closer to home.

Although Project SANDs specifically targets adults, Pediatric Dentists who provide dental services for children with special health care needs are included in this database.

If you are a dental provider and would like to add or update your information on this website you may do so through the 'get listed' link located at the top of this website.

Co PI’s for project SANDs are Dr Elizabeth S Pilcher, Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Assessment and Dr Michelle Ziegler, Director of Advanced Education in General Dentistry and Director of the Division of Special Care Dentistry, James B Edwards College of Dental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina. The SANDs program coordinator is Aleshia Nava (843-876-0059).